Silent Revelations



So I got different treatment from when I wore my spectacles and when I didn’t. I went for Etude, a symphonic band concert held by NJ’s symphonic band today with my classmates. When I got back to boarding in the lift I was trying to press the 5th floor button but it didn’t occur to me that a guy was asking me which floor so he could help me press then when the guys teased him because I dao-ed him (I didn’t expect him to talk to me!) I realised The Truth. Basically everyone just treats you better if you’re good looking. If you’re pretty people will help you and they will form good first impressions about you. It’s actually pretty obvious. Oh this world is screwed up. Can’t wait to be pretty in uni when I can finally get special contact lenses for astigmatism. 😦


I must remember to be happy because of at least one thing that happened each day.

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